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Why drive through clinics instead of inside the Chevron Building again?
Posted 09/27/21
We received a lot of questions today about why the Marshall County Health Department has chosen to change from providing vaccine inside of the Chevron Building to providing vaccine on a drive through basis.
This decision is not one which was made lightly. We had a lot of issues to look at with everything that was going on at the current time. We decided to make the change in the insterest of safety, not only for the people receiving the vaccine, but also those who are providing the vaccine.
With the Delta variant, it is extremely transmissible within close spaces and we felt it was in everyone's best interest that we make the change from inside to drive through as a precaution.
We did not want to bring people who might have a multitude of reasons why they might be at high risk if exposed to someone with COVID. We also did not want to place our wonderful volunteers, community partners and staff at any highler level of risk of exposure to COVID than they already are.
While we understand that it may take a little longer to receive your vaccine, we are doing what we can to look out for the safety of the public. If someone does not like the idea of the drive through format, many local pharmacies are also vaccine providers and have been wonderful partners in getting as many Marshall County Residents vaccinated as possible.